
Technical Humour

Technical Humour

Apart from releasing a high quality software product, our team has various other talents. Amongst those, there is one that just cannot be overlooked. If some of my team mates are reading this, they would probably know what I am talking about. Yes, it is the ability to crack pathetic jokes about anything and everything on the surface of this earth.  Over the last 7 years, I remember two "technical jokes" that deserve a special mention. If you know more, please feel free to add.

Technical Joke #1 (Joke Creator: Saurabh Gupta, Audience: Me, Comic Creator: Me)

Technical Joke/Puzzle #2 (Joke Creator: VJ, Audience: Whoever he could catch)

There was a group of 30 people and a tray of 30 sweets. The first member of the group said "Lo or aage pass kar do." So the tray went around the room and when it reached the last member, it still had 30 sweets in it. Why?
Try harder!!
because the instruction was "Lo OR aage pass kar do" and not "Lo AND aage pass kar do."

Now this is what I call talent.

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