
Please Forgive Me

Please Forgive Me

If you were ever lonely
And I wasn't there for you,
Please forgive me.

If you ever wanted to cry
And I didn't offer my shoulder,
Please forgive me.

If you were ever afraid of dark
And I didn't turn on the lights,
Please forgive me.

If you wanted to fly high
And I didn't let go,
Please forgive me.

If you wanted to dance
And I switched the music off,
Please forgive me.

If you wanted to be punished
And I was too kind,
Please forgive me.

If you wanted me to be happy
And I only smiled weakly,
Please forgive me.

If you wanted me to move on
And I would rather cling,
Please forgive me.

Now I have moved on
And life ahead looks bright.
Go on! Walk your separate way,
Till we meet again...

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